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Archery museum

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Rixensart town hall

Rixensart tourism office

Visage de Rixensart

Objectif Rixensart

Retro Rixensart

Museums - sites

Crepy en Valois archery museum (France)

Watten archery museum (Northen France)
Space devoted to archery pole

Two internets sites devoted to flags and banners :

French archery companies

Belgian, dutch, french, german crossbow and arquebuse companies

Federations : Pole archery

Begian Royale and national federation archery FRNAB

Northen France archers association

Dutch archers association

Shooting calendar : pole archery

FRNAB shooting calendar

International : Pole archery shooting club

Canada : the Robin Hood Pole Archery Club

Federations : other shooting disciplines

Belgian french speaking archery league


Pole archery (staande wip) is a traditional sport in flanders supported by the non-profit association "Vlaamse Traditionnele Sporten"(VLAS) Vlaamse Traditionnele Sporten (VLAS) 

Wallonia Patrimonial Agency

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